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Hairline Restoration

Hairline Restoration is a hair loss solution for Male Pattern Baldness. It can treat any stage of hair loss from minor recession to complete baldness. This treatment is designed to create the appearance of stubble or a short buzz cut. Anyone considering hairline restoration would need to maintain their hair length to a grade 1 or below for the most natural results.

Fully Customised To You

Prior to your Scalp Micropigmentation treatment, we will discuss your requirements and desired results in depth. I will take into consideration your age, ethnicity and extent of hair loss to create the most natural results. During your first session, I will spend a great deal of time drawing your hairline. This is to ensure the results of your SMP treatment will be:


- In proportion with the rest of your facial measurements

- Natural with all facial expressions and work with your facial muscles and movements

 - Age-appropriate and considerate of how the results will look in 5+ years time

- As realistic to your natural hairline shape as possible 


Creating the perfect hairline is one of the most important parts of any SMP treatment. I use my artistic knowledge and keen eye for detail to create a hairline that is perfectly designed for you.

Brave The Shave

The big question many of my clients will have to ask themselves is; "To shave or not to shave?" There have been cases where clients have approached me requesting a Density treatment, however, the extent of their hair loss was too much and they were no longer a candidate for Density. I will help guide you through this decision if you are unsure which stage you are at and which treatment is going to give you the best results. You can find out more about SMP for Male Hair Density here

Hairline Restoration
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